“I will never give up!”
Nobel laureate Robert Koch (1843 – 1910)
German physician and microbiologist,
discovered the Tuberculosis pathogen in 1882.

Who We Are
Austrianni GmbH is a pharmaceutical company with the mission to develop therapeutics for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis.
Our technologies
We’ll do whatever it takes to generate new drugs for tuberculosis therapy. These drugs are either chemicals or biologicals, e.g., antibiotics or human antibodies. Traditionally, the discovery of either one of these medicines has required large teams, but recently, dedicated contract research organizations have taken over important parts of the processes. This allows us to concentrate on our core competencies that we have assembled in our company.
Austrianni has unrestricted access to the powerful antibody discovery platform developed by the California company Trianni. This platform features the complete diversity of human antibody variable domains, which undergo natural V(D)J recombination and somatic hyper-mutation. Using this platform, Austrianni isolates fully human antibody therapeutics for the treatment of tuberculosis, with emphasis on multidrug resistant tuberculosis.

Small Molecules.
There are many enzymes that Mycobacterium tuberculosis cannot live without, and several antibiotics exploit this fact. Traditionally, antibiotics were found by testing large collections of microorganisms, or large collections of chemicals, for their ability to interfere with bacterial growth. Or chemical libraries were tested against an isolated target. In either case, only a tiny fraction of the vast chemical space of drug-like structures, estimated to consist of 1063 structures, can be covered.

Austrianni has unrestricted access to the powerful antibody discovery platform developed by the California company Trianni. This platform features the complete diversity of human anti-body variable domains, which undergo natural V(D)J recombination and somatic hyper-mutation. Using this platform, Austrianni isolates fully human antibody therapeutics for the treatment of tuberculosis, with emphasis on multidrug resistant tuberculosis.

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